TheraPearl® 3-i-1 Brystomslag

TheraPearl 3-i-1 Brystomslag er unikt designet af Lansinoh, det kan anvendes enten varmt eller koldt til at give avanceret lindring for en række tilstande forbundet med amning, og kan endda bruges med en brystpumpe.


Mere info
  • Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY encourages let-down and helps relieve the symptoms of engorgement and mastitis
  • Therapearl
  • Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY encourages let-down and helps relieve the symptoms of engorgement and mastitis
  • Therapearl
  • Vicki

    4 4 4 4 4

    I've used this warm and it's very soothing when you're a bit sore or heavy. I had mastitis early on and it definitely made me more comfortable. That was over month ago and I've been using Therapearl regularly since then; the mastitis hasn't reoccurred, and I can only conclude that the heat helps to keep the milk flowing well to avoid blockages!

  • Corinna

    4 4 4 4 4

    Perfect breastfeeding tool, if my boy didnt feed as much or fed too much the breast therapy pads really helped soothe me. I found using these a few days following a blocked duct that these cleared up quicker than when I didnt use it! Well worth the money, especially in the early days when you're both learning the art of breastfeeding!

  • Guest

    4 4 4 4 4

    These proved a lifesaver when I felt mastitis beginning at week 2. I used these constantly, heated up, even while out and about. Along with massage they stopped it becoming full blown. Worth every penny!

  • Guest

    4 4 4 4 1

    This hot/cold pads helped me so much while I was having a my engorged breast. It released instantly the pain. There are easy to warm in the microwave just be aware on following the instructions.

Lansinoh videoer

  • Denne korte video demonstrerer hvordan du bruger Lansinoh TheraPearl 3in1 Brystomslag

  • Se vores 360° video af vores TheraPearl 3-i-1 varm eller kold brystomslag

  • Se vores produktvideo om TheraPearl 3-i-1 Brystomslag, som kan bruges både varm og kold, til at lindre tillukkede mælkekanaler, mastitis og fremme mælkeflowet når du malker ud

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  • Produktfunktioner:

    • Fri for BPA og BPS
    • Brug varmt: For at hjælpe med at lindre overproduktion, tillukkede mælkekanaler og mastitis, og fremme mælkeflow
    • Brug koldt: For at hjælpe med at lindre smerter og hævelse på grund af overproduktion
    • Kan bruges sammen med enhver pumpe for at fremme mælkeflowet og reducere den tid, der bruges på at pumpe
    • Unikt design betyder, at omslagene forbliver fleksible, selv når de er frosne
    • Genanvendelige, leveres med bløde vaskbare betræk
    • Latexfri
  • Beskrivelse:

    De fleksible og genanvendelige TheraPearl 3-i-1 Brystomslag, har et blødt betræk, der nemt og komfortabelt passer i din bh og lindre eventuelle ubehag, der kan være forårsaget af nogle tilstande forbundet med amning. Fri for BPA, BPS og latex, formet så de passer omkring en brystpumpe, som hjælp til at fremme et hurtigere mælkeflow.

    TheraPearl 3-i-1 Brystomslag kan opvarmes i mikrobølgeovnen, højst 15 sekunder, for at lindre tillukkede mælkekanaler og mastitis. Varmen fremmer mælkeflowet, så du skal bruge mindre tid på at pumpe brystet.

    Hvis du vil bruge den sammen med en brystpumpe, skal du blot opvarme omslaget som sædvanlig og derefter sætte det omkring ydersiden af pumpens tragt, og sikre det med spændet.

    Alternativt kan du ligge omslagene i fryseren i et par timer for at afkøle, derefter placeres de i betrækket, og kan lindre smerter og hævelse forårsaget af overproduktion. Det unikke design betyder, at pakken er fleksibel, selv når den er frosset.

    Det anbefales, at TheraPearl 3-i-1 Brystomslag påføres i 20 minutter ad gangen, lægeligt råd. Når det er brugt, kan det rengøres med en mild sæbe, vaskemiddel eller alkohol.


  • Produktdetaljer:

    • Fri for BPA og BPS
    • 2 x genanvendelige omslag
  • Hvis du har brug for hjælp til dette specifikke produkt, klik venligst på linket nedenfor:

    Kontakt os Download manualen
    • Is Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy BPA and Phthalate-Free?

      Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy is BPA and Phthalate-Free.
    • Does Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy contain latex?

      Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy does not contain latex.
    • Are the pearl beads inside Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy non-toxic? What are they made of?

      The beads in the Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy packs are non-toxic and are made from a super absorbent polymer.
    • Is Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy reusable?

      TheraPearl® packs are reusable and your pack will last longer if you treat it well. Overheating beyond the suggested time of 15 seconds, may damage or destroy your Therapearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy.
    • How is Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy different from other products?

      Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy is the only product that has three uses in one. It can be used as cold therapy to treat/relieve engorgement, hot therapy to help relieve mastitis, and plugged ducts, as well as hot/warm as a breast pump aid to reduce time spent pumping.
    • What is engorgement and how can Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy help?

      In the early stages of breastfeeding, it is not uncommon to experience swelling when your milk first comes in, this is called engorgement. Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy can be used as a cold therapy to help treat engorgement.
    • What is mastitis and how can Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy help?

      Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast that can be caused by obstruction, infection and/or allergy. Mastitis is most common in the first 2-3 weeks of breastfeeding post-birth, but can occur at any stage of breastfeeding or lactation. Mastitis may come on abruptly, and usually affects only one breast. Common recommendations for mastitis treatment are heat (with a warm/hot compress), massage, rest, and emptying the breast (by breastfeeding or pumping) and it sometimes requires antibiotics if symptoms are not improving in 12-24 hours, or if mum is acutely ill. Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy packs can be used warm/hot directly on the breast before and after nursing as a compress and in between feedings or pumping sessions for pain relief and inflammation. For more information on Mastitis; the symptoms and what can help – please visit our page on the topic - mastitis
    • Why does the warmth of the Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy help milk flow?

      Studies show that a warm breast triggers let-down and the release of breastmilk than a cold breast. By heating Therapearl® and wrapping it around the breast pump cushion, the heat will encourage milk let-down and stimulate milk flow milk. Resource: Effect of Warm Breastshields on Breast Milk Pumping, JHL, 27(4) 331-338, Kent et al.
    • How do I affix the Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy on my pump breast cushion?

      While using the purple cover, you can detach the elastic band and wrap it around the pump cushion and then affix the elastic band. To remove, gently unsnap by placing your fingers alongside the snap and gently pull apart. Do not pull it apart without anchoring first with your fingers.
    • Does the Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy work on all sized pump cushions (manual and electric)?

      Because of the elastic band on the cover, Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy, should be usable with all manual and electric breast pumps.
    • Can I use Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy if my nipples are chafed and sore?

      Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy packs are not designed for usage for soothing sore or chafed nipples because of the hole in the middle. Lansinoh offers its HPA® Lanolin for treatment and soothing of sore and chafed nipples.
    • Should I heat the Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy with the cover on?

      Yes, the product is designed to be heated inside the cover, but always be sure to test the temperature of your pack before applying it to your skin!
    • Can I use Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy and HPA together

      There is no reason why a mum cannot use HPA® Lanolin and Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast therapy together, however, mum may wish to wipe her Therapearl® off after removing it from her breast as some Lanolin may have gotten on the Therapearl®.
    • Can I wash my Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy cover?

      Yes, you can wash and dry the Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy cover with your regular laundry.
    • Can I use Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy at the same time as when my baby is nursing (same time)?

      It would be difficult to use Therapearl® 3-in-1 breast therapy while your baby is nursing because it would limit her access to properly latch on. We recommend using the Therapearl® before and after nursing or with your breast pump to aid with let-down.
    • Can I use Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy for other uses when I am done nursing?

      Yes, you may use your Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy as a cold/hot therapy for any other aches/pains. We would not recommend using as a teething ring.
    • How do I use Therapearl® 3-in 1 Breast Therapy when pumping?

      You would heat the packs in the microwave for no more than 15 seconds and wrap around the outside of the breast pump cushions while pumping, securing with the clip on the outside of the purple sleeve.
    • How do I clean my Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy?

      You may Clean your Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy gently with mild soap, alcohol, or detergent and let stand for 1 minute.
    • How long will the Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy stay hot or cold?

      Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy can go straight from the freezer and be heated in the microwave, however, be very careful not to overheat your pack. Test the pack temperature prior to application, as overheating may cause injury or may damage /destroy your Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy.
    • Can I take my Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy straight from the freezer and heat in the microwave?

      Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy can go straight from the freezer and be heated in the microwave, however, be very careful not to overheat your pack. Test the pack temperature prior to application, as overheating may cause injury or may damage /destroy your Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy.
    • What happens if I heat my Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy for too long?

      Overheating or prolonged application may cause injury, including burns. Heating beyond the suggested time (15 seconds) may also damage or destroy your Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy. It is normal for the Therapearl® to expand a little when heated for the recommended time. If you accidentally heat your Therapearl® beyond the recommended time and see it inflating like a balloon, immediately turn off your microwave, wait for the pack to cool down, and then carefully dispose of your pack. When in doubt or if your pack shows any signs of deforming, dispose of your pack - a pack that has been overheated should never be reused. Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy will explode if heated for an excessive amount of time.
    • Do I have to freeze my Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy for 2 hours prior to using for cold therapy?

      You can leave your pack in the freezer indefinitely, or just chill it for a short period of time. Some of our customers are looking for "cool" rather than very cold so they store their packs in the refrigerator.
    • Can I fall asleep with my pack on?

      TheraPearl® packs were designed to be therapeutically effective and safe but we do not recommend you fall asleep with a heated or chilled pack applied.
    • Can I use my Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy later for my child as a teething ring?

      Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy should not be used as a remedy for teething or as a teething ring.
    • Is it okay to use a Therapearl® pack on open wounds?

      No. Therapearl® packs were not designed to be used on open wounds.
    • I’ve used my Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy for a while and the pearls are starting to break down

      The pearls will start to break down with usage. This is perfectly normal, and your Therapearl® will still work even after all the pearls have broken down.
    • How do I know when it’s time to dispose of myTherapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy?

      You should discard your pack if it is punctured or pierced.
    • What should I do if my microwave doesn’t seem to be heating my pack evenly?

      Even microwaves with the same power often heat differently, and sometimes unevenly. We always recommend that you test your pack temperature before you remove it from the microwave, and if it seems to be unevenly heated, shake it around for a while to let the pearls mix together.
    • What should I do if I keep using my Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy but the pain won’t go away?

      Seek medical attention.
    • Can I place the Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy directly on my skin without the purple sleeve?

      The Therapearl® can be placed directly on your skin, but be sure to test the temperature before applying.
    • Can I use my Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy if I am pregnant?

      Congratulations! We recommend that you ask your doctor if Therapearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy is an appropriate product for you and your specific situation.
    • What does the “CE” mark on a Therapearl® pack stand for?

      The CE mark on our product demonstrates that a TheraPearl® pack complies with European Economic Area (EEA) requirements for our type of medical device. These requirements cover such areas as risk management, quality control and safety.
  • Parent Tested, Parent Approved Winner

    Parent Tested, Parent Approved WinnerThe Bump – Best For Breastfeeding Relief Winner 2013

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